jeudi 1 janvier 2015

Résolution 2015 : Self love

You were always by my side
Far away I could still feel the connection
The love, the tenderness, THE connection
Far away or close, the love was never to hide.

But then it went unexplained
The distance turned off the flame
Silence became the new game
Words, their absence, were to blame.

And I started bleeding
Not understanding why love was leaving
Not seeing the defeat installing
Her rotten feeling

There I sat broken
Not knowing where to go
Not knowing how to go
Just there fixing the sun rising in the mornin’

It was cold and bright outside
Warm and cozy inside
Went back in that heart of mine
To find a new love starting to shine

That love was mine
That love was kind
It was for no one but myself
Waiting for me on the shelf

And then it dawned on me
That this love had never left me
That it had never left my side
It was there for me to ride.

You were always by my side.

4 commentaires:

  1. Saurrez, ail donte spique en glaise.
    Bonne année Talou.

    1. L'inspiration vient comme elle décide. C'était in english cette fois! Bonne année Barbe Blanche!

      Pour ce qui est de ton cas... je trouve que tu as beaucoup de potentiel pour la langue de Shakespeare... Tu devrais te lancer! :)

  2. Ah tout cet amour retrouvé...
    Une année explosive à tout égard pour toi.
